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Posted by: Melee-Master [March 25th, 2005 12:24pm]
I have updated the Console Preview page with trailers, and cover-art for the Legend of Zelda. An idea that came to mind, it was to host a contest to see who can come up with the best cover. There would be no prize (do I hear people screaming at me...), except the bragging rights that you created the best Legend of Zelda cover art. The rules are in the Console Previews page.

Posted by: Melee-Master [March 24th, 2005 5:14pm]

Updated the Games page, Previews area, and Elmoh's Game Guide. Decided to add a Console Preview page. It will be devoted to providing screenshots of top-awaited games yet to be released. The first game I am covering there is The Legend of Zelda (tentative title), as it is the most awaited game for any console. There you will find screenshots that I took from two trailers of it. I will provide links to those trailers for your reference. I also gave information about it there. Hope you enjoy!

Posted by: Melee-Master [March 24th, 2005 12:07am]

Finally. I just managed to find time to update tonight. In that small amount of time I have changed the layout again. I have updated the game information section, as well as the previews section. Check out the screenshots there, even though they don't show much... Also, I am working on a game (no D this time), currently titled "Arena Fighter". Which happens to be one of the reasons I haven't updated. Little information will be provided right now, as progress is slow. Below I will list my progress, and then some plans. There is a non-functional character select screen, a gallery of 20 trophies with half completed bios. I have redid the layout for the gallery, and haven't completed it yet, but want to before I begin adding more. There are over 100 trophies made, and waiting to be placed into the game. Four characters are partially playable. Falco can run left, and right, and jump as well. The three others, which are: Shiek, Zelda, and Ultimate X can only run left, and right. There are two stages semi-complete, but ready to be put into the game for testing. There is currently going to be 38 different characters to be put into the game. The gameplay will be similiar to SSB. I have no ideas for more stages (there will be more though),  but have recieved an idea, that I won't release. My plans for computer controlled characters are still foggy, as well as having other modes. I have one plan that for sure will make it into the game- a simple gallery with all trophies that I removed during devolpment. By the way, the two stages I have ready are: Hyrule Temple, and a desert area. If you have any ideas for the game (excluding characters), you are welcome to submit, unless you can come up with the moves of your character, and give me the sprites for it, then I'm fine. For idea submitting, go to the contact page, and find Melee-Master. Just as a note, D is on vacation. Also, if you haven't noticed, I gave the scrollbar a nice new colour. Now, time to work on the game...

Posted by: Melee-Master [March 9th, 2005 10:51pm]
Only a few new things, Geezerman has made a comic which I am posting. And, I have not worked on SAT for about a week, so don't expect a lot of news from that. I've also been very busy with my SSBM Mini-Site.

Posted by: D (Finally) [March 8th, 2005 4:15pm]
Wow it has REALLY been a long time since I posted. I've haven't really been working on graphics, but other stuff. I spent a lot of time on my favourite art site www.renderosity.com. I have also become a true Futurama lover (not that I didn't like it before). For those of you who also love it, you'll be happy to know im going to start working on graphics related to this show. Also, if you're looking for anything at all futurama related, or just need a cool site to hang out in (if ours isn't good enough for you), go here: www.gotfuturama.com... Best site Futurama site there is. That's about all there is for now.

Posted by: Melee-Master [March 1st, 2005 10:40pm]
I updated the SAT Briefing Page, with a link to its new home. There you can find conceptions, newly released in-game screenshots, info, and more. Be sure to visit. And, I just noticed, it's a new month, so time to archive all remaining February posts.

Mini News Re-Cap:

  • Melee-Master is working on a new game
  • SAT has not been worked on for about 3 weeks
  • Changed site look
  • D is back
  • D's images are going to take a special turn

© DT Productions, DT Games 2005