Fly swatting action.

Creator: Melee-Master
Date Created: Sunday, January 16, 2005
File Size Zipped: 694 KB (when you download)
File Size Unzipped: 1.47 MB (after you download and unzip)
File Type: .zip (zipped when you download) .exe (after you download and unzip)
Version: 1.0
Info: A game that I quickly made today. This is only version 1, as I still need to add a lives and score system,
along with more levels. But as far as it is currently, you can choose to use the arrow keys and the spacebar or the mouse
for gameplay. The sprites were not created by me, I ripped them out of the game. The music are midi files from It is fairly fun and addicting, but not nearly as good as the original. Hope you enjoy. As always, feel free to send me
any comments, ratings, ideas and glitches in the game.
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